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E40078E40078E40078E40078E400782280120Red-Purple 🎨 RGB Color Code: #E40078

The hexadecimal RGB code of Red-Purple color is #E40078. This code is composed of a hexadecimal E4 red (228/256), a 00 green (0/256) and a 78 blue component (120/256). The decimal RGB color code is rgb(228,0,120). Closest WebSafe color: Debian red (#CC0066)
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Red-Purple on Wikipedia

secondary color created by combining red and blue pigments. In the CMYK color model used in modern printing, purple is made by combining magenta pigment
theory as one of the purple colors—a non-spectral color between red and violet that is a deep version of a color on the line of purples on the CIE chromaticity
Shades of purple
of the color purple, a sampling of which are shown below. In common English usage, purple is a range of hues of color occurring between red and blue. However
Tyrian purple
Tyrian purple (Ancient Greek: πορφύρα porphúra; Latin: purpura), also known as, royal purple, imperial purple, or imperial dye, is a reddish-purple natural
Red states and blue states
of both liberal and conservative voters (i.e., they are "purple") and only appear blue or red on the electoral map because of the winner-take-all system
Fuchsia (color)
Although red-purple is a seldom-used color name in English, in Spanish it is regarded one of the major tones of purple. The color fuchsia purple is displayed
Red cabbage
The red cabbage (purple-leaved varieties of Brassica oleracea Capitata Group) is a kind of cabbage, also known as Blaukraut after preparation. Its leaves
Red banana
Red bananas are a group of varieties of banana with reddish-purple skin. Some are smaller and plumper than the common Cavendish banana, others much larger
List of flags by color combination
sorted first. The five major colors of European heraldry (black, red, blue, green, and purple) are sorted next. Miscellaneous colors (murrey, tan, grey, and
(strong): violet-red / orange-red Morganite (medium): light red / red-violet Tourmaline (strong): dark red / light red Zircon (medium): purple / red-brown Birefringence

Use the palette to pick a color or the sliders to set the RGB, HSV, CMYK components. Search for a color by its name in the list containing more than 2000 names.

There are many ways to mix/generate a color. Computer screens display the required color mixing tiny red, green and blue lights (RGB). Turning off all three components results in a black pixel, while if all components are lit up on full brightness that results a white light.

In print we use cyan, yellow, magenta and black (CMYK) inks because usually we print on a white paper. In this case the lack of the ink will result white paper, and we get a dark shade if more colors are mixed together. We can also define a color by hue, saturation and value (HSV).